More Offerings

Monthly Journey Circles with Molly McMillan

Once you’ve attended the Power Retrieval Retreat, you are invited to attend a monthly journey circle led by Molly McMillan. It’s a great way to continue the work outside of the retreat setting. Each month, you will gather with other journey’ers to share your extraordinary experiences. You’ll deepen the relationship with your power animals and spirit guides through journeying, and gather wisdom and healing in this extraordinary realm. Each month, the intention for the journey is different. Journey’ers join in from different parts of the world, and find value in continuing to be a part of this community. There is currently no charge to participate.

Soul Retrieval

If the essence of the Power Retrieval experience sounds right to you, but you feel you need one on one help, a Soul Retrieval with Molly McMillan is available. In this approximately two hour session, the soul parts will be retrieved on your behalf. Along with her power animals and spirit guides, Molly will do the healing work on your behalf. Soul Retrieval is a fundamental aspect of shamanic healing, across all cultures. Molly has conducted dozens of soul retrievals for people of all ages and all walks of life. For more information on Soul Retrieval go to

For more information about either of these opportunities please fill out and submit this form.