Kind Words

Beyond Expectations: Stories of Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Renewal

Before attending the Power Retrieval workshop, I suffered from fibromyalgia, endometriosis, asthma, and allergies. I was taking many medications and suffering greatly. Now, I am off all my medications, my doctor confirmed there is no more allergy, and I feel great! Thank you for changing my life.

Donia Yousry

After the Power Retrieval, I started to feel very independent, stronger, and much more whole. I now feel like I am so much more comfortable being who I really am... I have participated in spiritual work before, but the work that I have done with you has been so life alertibg for me. It's just incredible. Thank you!!!

Sophia Plagiannokos

I feel like a completely different person. I have less aches and pains and I have not cried of sadness like I was doing before the weekend. I am able to talk myself down when I feel anxiety coming on. The journeys were so powerful for me. Molly was extremely helpful to me in this journey.

Jenna Ross, nurse, Vermont

I am so grateful to all of you for the beauty, clarity and mysterious power that was made manifest through the quality of our connection. I am still being moved and opened and am continuously inspired by each of you, by all of us together, including the land and the spirits. Molly and Nicole, ONE THOUSAND THANK YOUS and then some, for your gifts, skills and offerings that you brought to bear on our behalf. My dear Circle and Power Retrieval Soul Sisters, thank you for more than I can ever put into words but certainly for your courage, integrity and vulnerability that guided us all to our deeper truths.

Lori Hanau, CEO and founder Global Round Table Leadership, New Hampshire

The overall experience was just wonderful. I loved the way you tied in movement and sound and even some acting to help us go a little deeper and cast us out of our comfort zone in a loving and supportive way. You truly have a gift Molly!

Deborah Epstein, artist, shamanic practitioner, massage therapist, business owner, Arizona

I feel like myself again. I haven't felt like that in over a year. It is such a profound difference from how I felt in Cambridge. Being unconfident was something that I was always aware of even if I couldn't put the correct label on the feeling of not-being-right. Now, I feel so much more normal that I almost didn't notice the change. Moose helped me see the difference in myself. And while strength and confidence are not the same thing I feel like gaining my confidence back is the first step to regaining my strength.

Jessica Calamari, professional, Vermont

Before attending the Power Retrieval workshop, I suffered from fibromyalgia, endometriosis, asthma, and allergies. I was taking many medications and suffering greatly. Now, I am off all my medications, my doctor confirmed there is no more allergy, and I feel great! Thank you for changing my life.

Donia Yousry

After the Power Retrieval, I started to feel very independent, stronger, and much more whole. I now feel like I am so much more comfortable being who I really am... I have participated in spiritual work before, but the work that I have done with you has been so life alertibg for me. It's just incredible. Thank you!!!

Sophia Plagiannokos

I feel like a completely different person. I have less aches and pains and I have not cried of sadness like I was doing before the weekend. I am able to talk myself down when I feel anxiety coming on. The journeys were so powerful for me. Molly was extremely helpful to me in this journey.

Jenna Ross, nurse, Vermont

I am so grateful to all of you for the beauty, clarity and mysterious power that was made manifest through the quality of our connection. I am still being moved and opened and am continuously inspired by each of you, by all of us together, including the land and the spirits. Molly and Nicole, ONE THOUSAND THANK YOUS and then some, for your gifts, skills and offerings that you brought to bear on our behalf. My dear Circle and Power Retrieval Soul Sisters, thank you for more than I can ever put into words but certainly for your courage, integrity and vulnerability that guided us all to our deeper truths.

Lori Hanau, CEO and founder Global Round Table Leadership, New Hampshire

The overall experience was just wonderful. I loved the way you tied in movement and sound and even some acting to help us go a little deeper and cast us out of our comfort zone in a loving and supportive way. You truly have a gift Molly!

Deborah Epstein, artist, shamanic practitioner, massage therapist, business owner, Arizona

I feel like myself again. I haven't felt like that in over a year. It is such a profound difference from how I felt in Cambridge. Being unconfident was something that I was always aware of even if I couldn't put the correct label on the feeling of not-being-right. Now, I feel so much more normal that I almost didn't notice the change. Moose helped me see the difference in myself. And while strength and confidence are not the same thing I feel like gaining my confidence back is the first step to regaining my strength.

Jessica Calamari, professional, Vermont

"All of it was powerful.  The vision/drumming with the power animal was probably the most powerful. No suggestions, you did a great job, and have a very powerful positive energy.  You're an extremely competent, caring, kind individual, and very well suited to the path you are on in your journey."

Gerri, retired, New Hampshire


"I can’t begin to tell you how much I enjoyed the power retrieval weekend.  I continue to feel complete and I physically feel better. I usually have a stomach ache in the morning and sometimes all day long especially when there is a change in my routine.  I can’t begin to tell you the anxiety that wondering how my stomach is going to be causes me. I truly feel my stomach problems are gone for good.  I found the sharing of experiences within the group helpful for my growth and I am joyful for everyone’s progress. I can’t think of anything that would make it better except for it to never end."

Jody Calamari, massage therapist, New York


"I simply stopped giving my power to certain people without even trying at all, feeling a sense of what people think of me doesn't matter. This has been true freedom for me. My compassion for others has increased as well, so I'm feeling a deeper connection while working with others. I've also been more open to friends, new and old about my belief system. My relationship with myself has been a bit difficult because of how hard I can be on myself, so I've been trying to allow myself the rest I have needed since returning and just letting myself be where I am."

Marisa Chadbourne, massage therapist, and business owner, New York


"Wow – everything! Even though I’ve done sound healings before, Friday night I was distracted and irritated by everything, nervous, distrustful, uncomfortable and ready to head out first thing in the morning. By the end of the weekend I didn’t want to leave. The unwinding – thanks to Toni’s wonderful guidance- was super powerful. The journeys and all the turtle sightings were profound. The openness and courage of everyone is amazing. The fire ceremony – thanks to Nicole’s special half, soul releasing. I love my dream catcher and all the conversations that are woven into the memory of that weekend. I thank each and everyone one of you for being part of the journey. Molly, your crafting this amazing weekend is a gift that can’t be repaid."

— Samantha Kane, writer, Massachusetts


"Monday morning I was sitting by my window with my coffee just enjoying being when I had the realization that I was just so happy and content in the moment. I wondered what the feeling was made up of .....why it was so strong... and it was just a sense of feeling complete, like a missing piece had been found. Only then did I remember the intention of the work we had done the day before. I laughed out loud. A most powerful experience for sure."

— Bonnie Bokencamp, Vermont


"This journey has truly opened so many more doors for me. working in the energy field I have always known that we have the power to heal ourselves even the deepest roots and that the mind is a powerful tool. The retreat brought a whole new light to self healing and how powerful the mind really is. Apparently I only knew the superficial part of the mind. Thanks to my journey experience I have been able to peel the layers of the mind. I continue to describe journeying as taking a hallucinate without the actual drug. I truly see journey has being a part of my regular practice!"

— Korinne McManus, energy worker, women's circle leader, New Hampshire


"What were the most helpful aspects of the Power Retrieval for you? I loved every aspect of it, the communion with like minded women, the whole structure, the pool!! and location, and of course the actual work itself, and I really loved the integration with MFR and movement, too. very powerful."

— Nicole Russo-De Souza, massage therapist, and business owner, Massachusetts


"I feel very different. Much more contemplative. Much reflecting and becoming much more aware of my mind vs. my soul. I’m eating well, exercising and not feeling overworked, being able to be creative, making time for play, dance and deep conversations. And I’ve been able to indulge in “all or nothing” type things for me, in a much more balanced and healthy way."

— Jan U business owner, Pennsylvania